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calcOutput functions

calcGDP() calcGDPpc()
Get GDP and GDP per capita scenarios
calcPopulation() calcLabour() calcUrban()
Get population and labour scenarios

readSource functions

downloadIMF() readIMF() convertIMF()
Read-in data from the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Economic Outlook
readIndiaDEA() convertIndiaDEA() downloadIndiaDEA()
Read-in data from India's Department of Economic Affairs (DEA)
downloadJames() readJames() convertJames()
Read-in data from the James et al. (2012) dataset
downloadMissingIslands() readMissingIslands() convertMissingIslands()
Read-in the Missing Islands dataset
downloadPEAP() readPEAP() convertPEAP()
Read-in data from the World Bank's Population Estimates And Projections (PEAP)
readSSP() convertSSP() downloadSSP()
Read-in data from the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP)
downloadUN_PopDiv() readUN_PopDiv() convertUN_PopDiv()
Read-in data from the United Nations Population Division (UN_PopDiv) database
downloadWDI() readWDI() convertWDI()
Read-in data from the World Bank's World Development Indicator (WDI) database.

tool functions

Tool used to consolidate the most common "convert" operations
Get information on available scenarios
Get default monetary unit used in the rd3mod input data pipeline
Tool to harmonize future data to past data, without modifying the future data
Tool to harmonize future data to past data, without modifying the past data
Replace group shortcuts with individual scenarios