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toolGetScenarioDefinition can be used to figure out which scenarios are made available by mrdrivers, and how they are constructed, i.e. what past data, future data and harmonization methods are used.


  driver = NULL,
  scen = NULL,
  aslist = FALSE,
  getGroupShortcuts = FALSE



NULL or a character vector designating the driver for which information is to be returned. If NULL, information for all drivers is returned. Available drivers are:

  • GDP

  • Population

  • GDPpc

  • Labour

  • Urban


NULL or a character vector designating the scenario for which information is to be returned. If NULL, information for all scenarios is returned.


TRUE or FALSE (default). If TRUE then the pastData, futureData and harmonization strings are returned as a list.


TRUE or FALSE (default). If TRUE then return list of scenario group shortcuts.


A tibble with the driver and scenario information.


#> # A tibble: 50 × 5
#>    driver scenario        pastData     futureData        harmonization     
#>    <chr>  <chr>           <chr>        <chr>             <chr>             
#>  1 GDPpc  SSPs            WDI-MI-James SSPs              GDPpcSSPs         
#>  2 GDPpc  SSP1            WDI-MI-James SSP1              GDPpcSSPs         
#>  3 GDPpc  SSP2            WDI-MI-James SSP2              GDPpcSSPs         
#>  4 GDPpc  SSP3            WDI-MI-James SSP3              GDPpcSSPs         
#>  5 GDPpc  SSP4            WDI-MI-James SSP4              GDPpcSSPs         
#>  6 GDPpc  SSP5            WDI-MI-James SSP5              GDPpcSSPs         
#>  7 GDPpc  SDPs            -            -                 GDPpcSDPs         
#>  8 GDPpc  ISIMIP          WDI-MI-James SSPs              GDPpcSSPs         
#>  9 GDPpc  SSP2IndiaDEAs   WDI-MI-James IndiaDEAs-SSP2    GDPpcSSP2IndiaDEAs
#> 10 GDPpc  SSP2IndiaMedium WDI-MI-James IndiaDEAbase-SSP2 GDPpcSSP2IndiaDEAs
#> # ℹ 40 more rows
toolGetScenarioDefinition(driver = "GDP")
#> # A tibble: 11 × 5
#>    driver scenario        pastData futureData harmonization
#>    <chr>  <chr>           <chr>    <chr>      <chr>        
#>  1 GDP    SSPs            -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
#>  2 GDP    SSP1            -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
#>  3 GDP    SSP2            -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
#>  4 GDP    SSP3            -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
#>  5 GDP    SSP4            -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
#>  6 GDP    SSP5            -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
#>  7 GDP    SDPs            -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
#>  8 GDP    ISIMIP          -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
#>  9 GDP    SSP2IndiaDEAs   -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
#> 10 GDP    SSP2IndiaMedium -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
#> 11 GDP    SSP2IndiaHigh   -        -          GDPpcWithPop 
toolGetScenarioDefinition(scen = "SSP2")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#>   driver     scenario pastData         futureData     harmonization
#>   <chr>      <chr>    <chr>            <chr>          <chr>        
#> 1 GDPpc      SSP2     WDI-MI-James     SSP2           GDPpcSSPs    
#> 2 GDP        SSP2     -                -              GDPpcWithPop 
#> 3 Population SSP2     WDI-UN_PopDiv-MI SSP2-UN_PopDiv PopSSPs      
#> 4 Labour     SSP2     WDI-UN_PopDiv    SSP2-UN_PopDiv pastAndLevel 
#> 5 Urban      SSP2     WDI              SSP2           pastAndGrowth
toolGetScenarioDefinition(driver = "Population", scen = "SSPs", aslist = TRUE)
#> $driver
#> [1] "Population"
#> $scenario
#> [1] "SSPs"
#> $pastData
#> [1] "WDI-UN_PopDiv-MI"
#> $futureData
#> [1] "SSPs-UN_PopDiv"
#> $harmonization
#> [1] "PopSSPs"