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Like all scenarios in mrdrivers, the GDP and GDP per capita scenarios are the result of a harmonization exercise between past data and future projections. Together with the corresponding population scenarios (see calcPopulation()) they comprise a consistent set of scenarios.

The scenario argument is used to designate the scenario(s) to be returned. Currently available GDP scenarios are: SSPs, SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP4, SSP5, SDPs, ISIMIP, SSP2IndiaDEAs, SSP2IndiaMedium, SSP2IndiaHigh. See the vignette: vignette("scenarios") and/or toolGetScenarioDefinition() for more information, scenario options, definitions and references.


  unit = toolGetUnitDollar(inPPP = TRUE),
  average2020 = TRUE,

  unit = toolGetUnitDollar(inPPP = TRUE),
  average2020 = TRUE,



A string (or vector of strings) designating the scenario(s) to be returned. Use toolGetScenarioDefinition() to learn what scenarios are available.


A string specifying the unit of GDP. Can be either:

  • "constant 2017 Int$PPP" (default): Scenarios are constructed in constant 2017 Int$PPP.

  • "constant 2017 US$MER": Scenarios are constructed in constant 2017 Int$PPP and then converted with GDPuc::toolConvertGDP().

In all cases, GDP is returned in millions.


If TRUE (default), then the 2020 value is replaced by the 2018-2022 average. To be consistent, the yearly resolution is decreased to 5 year intervals.


Arguments passed on to calcDriver


A string specifying if/how the scenarios should be extended until 2150. Can be either:

  • "bezier" (default): A bezier curve extension that leads to a smooth flattening of the scenario: the slope in the last year of the scenario is halved by 2150. Currently only works for scenarios with 2100 as their last year.

  • "constant": The last value of the scenarios is taken as constant until 2150.

  • "none": No extension.


magpie object with the requested output data either on country or on regional level depending on the choice of argument "aggregate" or a list of information if supplementary is set to TRUE.

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Return all SSP scenarios
calcOutput("GDP", scenario = "SSPs")

# Return only the SSP2 GDP scenario
calcOutput("GDP", scenario = "SSP2")

# Return the SSP and SDP GDPpc scenarios
calcOutput("GDP", scenario = c("SSPs", "SDPs"))
} # }

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }